FIAP titles

FIAP has clear requirements for an applicant for an honorary title of FIAP. For a photographer, these are the results of participation in competitions held under the auspices of this organization. It takes into account the number of works that have successfully participated in international competitions and FIAP salons over a natural period (as a rule, at least a year from the moment of the first “acceptance”), the total number of earned “acceptances”, the number of countries where competitions or salons are present.

The requirements for the rank are noted in the FIAP Ranks document: Звания FIAP.doc

The application for the title consists of an administrative file and a photographic file. The application form and its rules are covered in the documents below. All submitted applications for honorary titles at the beginning of the meeting. To obtain the title of FIAP Artist (AFIAP), the decision of the majority of the Boards of Directors or the Artistic Commission is required. The title of EFIAP Master of Excellence requires a unanimous decision of the Board of Directors and a majority vote of the Artistic Commission. The title of Honorary Excellence FIAP requires the unanimous decision of the Board of Directors and the Artistic Commission.

Application form